75% of injuries are minor wounds but 10% required hospitalisation. Here at Dirt we normally like to celebrate the very best mountain bike products, as we recently did in our ‘15 Things That Have Changed Mountain Biking‘ post, but sometimes to truly appreciate the good things you need to remind yourself of those things that were so bad all you wanted to do was smash them to smithereens. Please let me know if there are specifics you would like me to cover. Head trauma is the cause foe the most serious problems and they are often the result of a collision with a car. One common injury not mentioned is a dislocated elbow. Considering brain injury tops both the WEM/Whistler and NICA studies, that’s a concerning statistic. It usually has to be popped back in under sedation by a orthopedic surgeon as it can be very painful. Velocity is almost always the catalyst of a catastrophic day-ender. Here are a few graphic images of real mountain biking and cycling injuries. The other day a friend of mine helped a guy that jumped something far too big for his walmart bike, the guy ended up with a punctured lung (and broken ribs)! Hey Bill, Please let us know if there is anything in particular you would like to see covered. In the United States, many riders don’t seek help for fear of incurring costly medical bills.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'bikerumor_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',102,'0','0'])); In the WEM/Whistler study, the most common injury was a broken bone. Let’s face it. If you have specific questions, leave them in the comments and we’ll answer those in future articles. The amazing takeaway from that number is the fact only 8 patients were brought in on a stretcher. Luckily I was not alone and bad enough not to be able to ride out trail and request an ambulance otherwise it could have been too late. In this first installment, we look at the five most common MTB injuries. Bike accident injuries are more common than people think. Helmet tech is interesting. Eugene Wilson of the Texans goes at running back Chris Johnson | Stephen Dunn/Getty Images. While those qualify as injuries they usually don’t keep us off our bikes for long. I had no idea what was happening to me. Almost all mountain bikers wear helmets and Brain injury tops the list? That said… reducing fractures, death, and bleeding is a big f*cking deal! Good protection gear could prevent or at least diminish the outcome of many of these horrible mountain biking injuries. ACL injuries are common in all sports, but football players deal with these quite a bit. I’ve been riding MTB since the early 90s and I’ve had one major injury, an AC tear which I received only three years ago. The Redskins’ quarterback Theismann was dropped back inside the pocket to throw a pass. • Ask A Stupid Question worst mountain bike products roundup. Some riders ride for very long periods of time, or they ride very frequently. In most scenarios crashes are the result of people riding above their skill level. Bicyclists account for 2% of all traffic-related deaths and injuries per year. I look forward to reading more. Mountain bikers are a tough lot and many riders never make it to a medical facility. After 20 years riding MTB I had my worst crash last year. Broken clavicles, the cyclist’s favorite fracture, claimed 122 riders. That being said, the sport is fun and great for your health. If it hasn’t already, it’s going to happen. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'bikerumor_com-box-4','ezslot_5',105,'0','0']));In the meantime, keep the rubber side down and tell us about your worst crash. August 18th, last Saturday. Was just feeling bad after the crash and had no idea how serious it was. Our passion is the products, technology and people that make them. Concussions are a hell of a lot harder to reduce, and currently helmets don’t do a good job at it. • How We Make Money Men and kids between 9 and 15 are the highest risk group. Kelly has reported that 13% of sport-related head injuries presenting to an emergency department were sustained whilst cycling. We love learning the technology and celebrating innovation at every level -from crowdfunded start ups to major global brands- and sharing it all here with you! It’s a beneficial activity in all aspects. By Alex Schaffer Sep 05, 2014. As the lead patroller put it: Crashes inevitably occur when a rider’s speed exceeds their skill level.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'bikerumor_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])); According to the WEM/Whistler statistics, one way to avoid injury is to not be a 26-year-old male. Broken wrists took out 109 more. hopefully back on the bike soon for the first time in 6 months. RockmonkeySC Posts: 15,247. It will give all of us an opportunity to evaluate our level of preparedness and build out our first aid kits. 13% of all sport related head injuries in emergency departments are from cycling incidents. Try and keep it to MTB injuries, but if you have a particularly gruesome road/bmx/etc one, feel free to post it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_contrecoup_injury The brain crashes into the skull and then rebounds and hits the back side. After the crash, I waited for my brother-in-law who was riding behind me, and I realized I had wrecked in the same spot he had endo’d and broken his collar bone the year before. The solution is to make these joints stronger. A comprehensive project involving a network of sports physicians, first responders, and the University of Utah, NICA is using the statistics to help make the league safer. HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST MOUNTAIN BIKE SHOES FOR YOUR ENDURO TRIP, 5 BEST BIKE LOCKS FOR YOUR MOUNTAIN BIKE AND A FEW TIPS ON HOW TO LOCK IT, ROAD BIKE VS MOUNTAIN BIKE – WHY I PREFER MOUNTAIN BIKING TO ROAD BIKING, Mountain Biking Holidays In Giant Mountains. My first question was direct: What is the leading cause of mountain bike crashes? Surely this can't be normal, I did some stupid things and regret none of it. • Privacy Policy I think if people fully knew the implications of brain injury they might make different choices. The last one actually could also describe how stupid you are. Injuries happen all the time in sports. My worst injury that I've ever had was on my knee, which I got just under a year ago. Yes, we definitely do need better helmet tech. The official findings are not complete, but it appears their top five injuries align with the WEM/Whistler report. Our local bike shops don’t even display them! Yes. Weve been putting in the miles and been to a Tread Skills clinic and our strength on the bike has improved greatly the last 6 months. Your local ES service knows you by name? Shit happens. Very common when one falls on an outstretched hand. An acquaintance was riding “easy” trails without a helmet…went head first into a rock and was de-faced (the medical term for having your entire face ripped off from the forehead down). >>> 12 classic mountain bike crashes we’ve all had. Of all injuries 14% are due to collision with some part of the bike, especially handlebars and pedals. Whoa. The rest is entirely up to you. Common Mountain Bike Injuries. It doesn’t matter how honed your skills are, eventually good judgment and control give way to poor decisions and gravity. Farr Twin-T unveils wild & wonderful-looking steel off-road gravel & MTB... Friday Roundup: Great American Rail-Trail, Iron Curtain Gravel, Long Way Around... Review – Easton EA70 AX Dropper post, Extra Weight, Extra Fun. These are often sustained when falling off a mountain bike and can vary drastically in severity depending on whether a rider is wearing protective gear. We cover the shiny new things, with in-depth interviews and detailed stories about how the bicycles and components work, plus reviews to see if they live up to the hype. The pressure is placed on the elbow joint and it pops out. Skin abrasions basically mean cuts and grazes, or damage to the soft protective tissue in the top layers of skin. What makes us and our Mountain Biking Holidays Experience special is simply a group of great people that always are here for you to care, and share their passion and love for mountain biking. (or your local SAR team?). Page 3 of 3 - How common are serious MTB injuries - posted in Training, Health & Nutrition: My wife and I started cycling about 2 years ago and the bug has bitten in a big way. killed the 2017 season for me, and left me with a 50% functional right wrist: damaged yes but it could have been worse. • Comment Policy I imagine it has much to do with the stigma associated with body armor and full face helmets. But mountain biking has proven capable of serious injury—or worse. The first one is not really up to you. Despite the narrow focus of the sample set, which only includes school-age riders and a handful of adult coaches, the initial data is telling. 14-year-old Grady Russell is luckily alive after he was involved in a horrific BMX accident. Some research suggests that 25% of cyclists suffer from knee pain that comes on due to overuse on a bike that is not set up properly. You will sustain a mountain biking injury.